Our Musical Director and Accompanist

Following the retirement of Peter Coughtrey-

Wellstead in the summer of 2024 after 9 years with

the choir, our new Muscial Director from

September will be Anthony Baldery. Anthony has

been organist at Centenary Methodist Church,

Boston, since February 2021.

Accompanist since 2015, Lisa Coe is a local

piano teacher who teaches from her home and in

local schools. Her students range from age five to

seventy-plus, from prep level to diploma. She loves

encouraging them to perform in informal concerts.

She plays and sings in a worship band at church

and enjoys accompanying whenever she gets the

opportunity amidst a busy family life.

Her most memorable and honoured performing

experience was playing the piano in front of her

majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in

Pakistan 1997.

Lincolnshire U.K.

Boston Choral Society

Musical Director and Accompanist

Following the retirement of Peter Coughtrey- Wellstead in

the summer of 2024 after 9 years with the choir, our new

Muscial Director from September will be Anthony

Baldery. Anthony has been organist at Centenary

Methodist Church, Boston, since February 2021.

Lisa Coe is a local piano teacher who teaches from home and in local schools. Her students range from age five to seventy-plus, from prep level to diploma. She loves encouraging them to perform in informal concerts. She plays and sings in a worship band at church and enjoys accompanying whenever she gets the opportunity amidst a busy family life. Her most memorable and honoured performing experience was playing the piano in front of her majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in Pakistan 1997.